FAQs about building a Personal Business Brand

A Personal Business Brand placess your values, your personality, your experience and expertise at the centre of your Business. It's service and sales that allow you to speak direct to your customers and clients, telling them that you know their pain points and can solve them through a unique Brand that continuously, consistently and consciously reaches, aligns with and speaks to YOUR audience, for YOU.
Online research fuels connection and, ultimately, sales more than ever. Telling your story with your values and your expertise helps reduce the cognitive gap that can delay or halt a connection.
In retail, business or YOUR career, Branding is essential. It's the value and values YOU consistently show the world - the sense of YOU and what you deliver that exists beyond personal interaction: the digital footprint that speaks for you 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
I know your time is already stretched thin, so let's think of this in steps:
1. Download our Personal Business Brand guide
2. Think about what outcome you want for a Personal Brand.
3. Book in a 30-minute call with me via the link below to talk things through.
4. You can then choose to work with me on targeted items through my Digital Triage.
5. If you'd like more support, with an audit of where you are now, an understanding of the values that drive you and where and who are your audience, and how best to access them to sell your service, I offer a monthly support package. My clients generally choose a 6- or 12-month program that takes them from overwhelm to focused, driven, successful and profitable.
We're happy to accommodate whatever fits with your needs or your time frame.
I talk with you about what Your Brand means - to you and your customer. What are your pressing needs, what is your digital footprint, and how you would like me to help.
I've built out The Personal Brand pathway which is designed for all types of businesses. From understanding and articulating your value and values, your service and how to speak to your customers about the problems you solve, I help business owners who are stuck: stuck at a financial threhsold, unable to reach new customers, unable to connect with the reason why you started the business, or with the energy, vigour and love you once had for your business.
Do you need more sales, or customers, are you marketing a book, a product, a process, a course?
Everyone's goals are different although there are commonalities within solutions for moving forward. This is why I created the Personal Business Brand Pathway.
Yes, we'll create branding for Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter and any other social banners you need.
We can support you with social media posting - your content or we can create.
We can also design business cards that will complement the site and social design
We love to be the marketing support for our clients. Your website is an essential element of your outreach - it's where you control the narrative and gain the leads, and its important to drive traffic back to site from your outreach.
We'll discuss who is your audience and where they spend time online - are they on LinkedIn or Clubhouse? Do they tweet or blog?
We'll help you translate your message into a great sign up reward for gaining email data (to whom you'll deliver relevant, strong content)
We'll help you develop an outreach strategy that suits your business goals, your message and your available time.
To be honest, we don't know the answer to this. Stan came to us some years ago, of indeterminate age. The always wonderful team at Labrador Rescue Australia brought him to us after he was found roaming the mean streets of Broken Hill and it's been Love at every sight since then.
Stan is our 2nd brown lab. You can follow the adventures of our first brown lab love= Bear, aka by instagram account: @rexbarker61.
Stan is not a social media fan, as Bear was.
Stan likes walks to the park, chasing cats, macrame and sleeping on the big bed.