Thankyou for signing up for our Brand Lab workshop
Over 2 hours together, we'll talk about:
- WHY you're building your personal brand
- WHO is your audience
- WHAT is your message
How to 'Prepare'
While there's no way to 'cram' for this workshop, it would be good, before our time together, to think about the following aspects of your brand, your current path, your work to date, your passions, interests and what direction you're heading.
- What have you found most rewarding in your working life to date?
- What are the commonalities of the people you most enjoy working with?
- a type of personality?
- a particular industry?
- Clients with a specific issue?
- What are the commonalities of the people you most enjoy working with?
- What are your priorities for your personal brand:
- financial?
- to create change?
- influencing?
- thought leadership?
- What are your priorities for your personal brand:
- What will 'success' look like, for your personal brand?
Thank you for trusting in this process. It has given clients deep insights and challenged them to interrogate their passions in ways they hadn't approached them in the past.
"I was amazed at how quickly and succinctly Jude got to the core of my brand. I'd always stumble to explain what I do, but she got it. The questions Jude asked certainly pushed my buttons, made me think outside the box, about my business and myself and I'm now clearer on focusing my services around what brings me joy.
While Jude follows a process, I certainly didn't feel like it was a cookie-cutter approach.
I'd recommend working with Jude to anyone who wants clarity around their brand and how to market it effectively."
Kara Lambert,
Psychologist and Business Coach