Challenge #3 - Is Social Media Wasting Your Time?

Improve Your Profit, Authenticty, Collaboration and Efficiency by Ensuring Your Social Media Efforts Are Efficient.  We'll Show You How.

Is Social Media Wasting Your Time, and Not Growing Your Business To Your Expectations?

Is social media growing your business the way you want? If not, you may be wasting some of your precious time doing what you are doing - yet you don't have to!

Join Kristin Rohan (the Sassy Assassin) from on our 5 day challenge, and she'll share how social media can grow your business and be a sustainable, authentic and relevant use of your time.

Click here to listen to the Sassy Assassin Super Power Hour #ProEdiation introduction podcast for this Challenge.

Day 1: What are you doing in Social Media?
Day 2: What's working?
Day 3: What kind of results do you want - what are you expectations?
Day 4: What are some Social Media myths and trends?
Day 5: What CAN and WILL you do to ensure you aren't wasting your time on social media, and it's working for YOUR business?

Sign up BELOW to get access to: 5 videos, worksheets and 45 minutes of complimentary consulting to go over your results and resolve any questions you have about building your network.

Join our Facebook Group, - at Super Power P.A.C.E. - we'll answer all your questions. We are here to empower, support and celebrate you!

We are also on Instagram @SuperPowerPace  and Twitter @SuperPowerPACE - for quick tips and tricks all the time!

See you soon...KAPOW!

Sign Up to take our March Challenge - Is Social Media Wasting Your Time? - It's FREE!