Super Power P.A.C.E. Challenge #3: Is Social Media Wasting Your Time?

Join Kristin Rohan (the Sassy Assassin) in our new challenge - today we talk about what you are doing in social and in networking - your intentions and how they relate to your customer journey and Super Power P.A.C.E.

Super Power P.A.C.E. Worksheets - Challenge 3, Day 1

Join our Facebook Group, - at Super Power P.A.C.E. - we'll answer all your questions. We are here to empower, support and celebrate you!

We are also on Instagram @SuperPowerPace and Twitter @SuperPowerPACE - for quick tips and tricks all the time!

In Day 2, Kristin Rohan (the Sassy Assassin) guides you through documenting what's working - what results are you tracking and seeing - and how they relate to moving customers closer to engagement.

Super Power P.A.C.E. Worksheets - Challenge 3, Day 2

Join our Facebook Group, - at Super Power P.A.C.E. - we'll answer all your questions. We are here to empower, support and celebrate you!

We are also on Instagram @SuperPowerPace and Twitter @SuperPowerPACE - for quick tips and tricks all the time!

Today Kristin Rohan (The Sassy Assassin) chats about the difference between having goals and expectations for your social media -- and how to chart them...KAPOW!

Super Power P.A.C.E. Worksheets - Challenge 3, Day 3

Join our Facebook Group, - at Super Power P.A.C.E. - we'll answer all your questions. We are here to empower, support and celebrate you!

We are also on Instagram @SuperPowerPace and Twitter @SuperPowerPACE - for quick tips and tricks all the time!

In Day 4, Kristin Rohan (the Sassy Assassin) shares top myths and Super Power P.A.C.E.'s top tips for social more!

Super Power P.A.C.E. Worksheets - Challenge 3, Day 4

Join our Facebook Group, - at Super Power P.A.C.E. - we'll answer all your questions. We are here to empower, support and celebrate you!

We are also on Instagram @SuperPowerPace and Twitter @SuperPowerPACE - for quick tips and tricks all the time!

In the Final Day of this Challenge (huzzah!), Kristin Rohan (AKA Sassy Assassin) asks questions so we all can decide what WILL we do on Social Media that will be authentic and adding value AND will grow our businesses.

Super Power P.A.C.E. Worksheets - Challenge 3, Day 5

Join our Facebook Group, - at Super Power P.A.C.E. - we'll answer all your questions. We are here to empower, support and celebrate you!

We are also on Instagram @SuperPowerPace and Twitter @SuperPowerPACE - for quick tips and tricks all the time!