How do I create a Personal Brand website?
You have probably come to this blog because you are considering a personal brand.
However enthusiastic you are about building your brand the thought of creating it may be a little daunting. Don’t worry I’m here to help as little or as much as you need.
We’re slowly rebuilding our kitchen. We’ve thought about it and planned for it over the past 6 years. We demolished the old kitchen ourselves and have done what we can to get to a point where we’re best placed for professional help.
Not the speediest or most confident of self-builders, it’s taken us kitchenless weeks to get here, but we are building resilience with the wins and can see a future with a fully functioning stove and plumbing where now are holes in the wall.
I’m not asking you to care about our kitchen (is there anything more boring than someone else’s renovation?). The process is key though – getting to the point where something is working takes time and consistent application. Confidence grows and momentum builds. You know what you can achieve with your skills and when to get in the experts.
The same is true for Personal Brand building – it is a bold step and you can’t reach a point of influence without real application. I can give you professional help with my ‘Brand Lab’ Personal Branding workshop, to help you articulate your motivation, define your outcomes and interrogate the deep benefits a personal brand delivers, then build a site that will get you there faster.
In the meantime, P.A.C.E. yourself:

If you were already famous, your PB would be supported by the boost your fame delivers. You’d probably have an invested staff of social media managers and content builders, keeping your message active and on-brand.
For the rest of us, we need to decide what our Brand is – how it looks, what it stands for, what gives it energy and what makes it something you want to build on efficiently. It’s not that it can’t change – it’s not stuck in time. That’s the beauty of having a Personal Brand website that you control. It allows you to experiment with direction, as opportunities and new information arises.
Sharing value consistently, application to the task, outreach and messaging builds a brand that truly represents you and shifts how people think and interact with you.
To do this, P.A.C.E. yourself
Know your Purpose and Position and use this to write your Pitch (being super clear here helps you align with what works and say thanks but no thanks to what doesn’t align – making your personal brand watertight)
You + your story + your goals = Your Pitch. Read more about this in my blog post ‘Personal Brand or Business Brand – can I have both?
Understand your Audience – what are their most pressing problems? Build a following for your brand by sharing content of value to this audience. Be the solution to their problems. Create content that shows the transformation your solution/idea/process/dream delivers. Write about futures, not features. It’s more appealing to be told what future you’ll experience, rather than the the step by step process.
Speak across all platforms in a Consistent tone: your site content and copy, your social media – it doesn’t matter what that tone is, keeping it authentically ‘You’ keeps your brand consistent.
Staying on Brand, keeps you running Efficiently. You know what you do, what you stand for and you know what does and doesn’t work for you and your audience.
Owning your Purpose and Position, Aligning with your Audience Consistently delivers Efficiency because you’re showing potential clients and collaborators, people looking for experts, people seeking help and mentorship WHO YOU ARE. People who already know you or know ‘of you’ and who seek YOU out specifically are further along the buying cycle, making the transition into being a customer, ally or collaborator, to work with you, buy from you or book you, even easier.

Want help focussing your Personal Brand?
Book a free 30-minute call to talk about how we can help. Want to go deeper? I’ll take you through my ‘Brand New You’ workshop. Over 90 minutes, we’ll identify:
- your Pitch
- your Audience
- your Consistent message
- where your Energy is best directed to deliver your Personal Brand with Efficiency.
- the values that underpin what you do and what you look for in clients
- what outcomes you want for your Personal Brand
- are there service and products you want to build, to monetise your brand.
In summary: a Personal Brand is built through consistency. Know your brand, and know your audience, their pain points and problems and show how you are the solution to these issues, consistently, on repeat.
Build your Brand. Share Value. Build your audience.
Need help getting your Personal Brand online?
Whether you have content ready to go, an audience in mind and clear messaging, or, you want to start building your Personal Brand but are unsure where to start, we can help.