The Power of Receptivity: the key to sales and client success

REceptivity the key to client success image of vintage woman listening on phone line

I’ve had a great run of sales conversations lately and I’m happy to report, I think I’ve found the key to effective, efficient sales calls that land. With practice, I’ve been able to replace my sales anxiety with calm and curiosity, through Receptivity. With receptive, deep listening, I’m keyed into what this client needs. I’m…

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Step by step guide to creating a personal brand story

Step by step guide to your brand image of dance steps creating a waltz

Gloria Steinem once said: “It’s the heart of each of us that gives power to the sum of us.“ Your Personal Brand comes from within your heart – not from AI, or the social media algorithm. Your YOU-nique YOU-ness makes YOU so wonderfully YOU. The way to best express this is through a story that…

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Landing page or homepage change? A simple guide for what to use when

Landing page vs home page instruction blog graphic 2 parachutes landing on target

Confused about when you use a landing page, or when you should change the content on your home page and throughout your site? This guide lists why we use landing pages, and when you should change out your home page content. Landing pages have become cornerstone content for businesses aiming to optimize user experience and…

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Mastering seamless email integration: A step-by-step guide to linking your business domain email with Gmail

SEt up your personal email through gmail photo of person at computer with phone, email icons emitting from phone

Step 1: Create Email Account through Domain Name Host Access Domain Hosting Provider: Navigate to Email Services: Create a New Email Account: Configure Mailbox Settings: SMTP Server Details: Save Changes: Step 2: Set Up Email in Gmail for Business Verify Ownership: Send Mail As Your Domain Email: SMTP Server Settings: Verify and Finish: Once the…

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Set up your domain name email in Outlook

Set up your email through outlook. photo of person at desk laptop with mobile phone, outlook logo above phone

Setting up an email account in Outlook involves two primary steps: first, creating an email account through your domain name host, and then configuring it in Outlook. Below is a step-by-step guide: Step 1: Create Email Account through Domain Name Host Step 2: Configure Email in Outlook 6. Outgoing settings: 7. Advanced Settings: 8. Test…

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Easy, effective, outstanding content creation

Make your content stand out online by playing to your strengths

If you’re anything like me, content creation is neither your super power nor your happy place. I’m never more in need of another cup of tea, or the house more in need of cleaning than when I’ve set myself the task of writing a blog post. We all know we need to do it, though……

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Know your numbers

Know your numbers and make your personal branded business a success. photo of 2 women looking at score cards

At the end of ’22 I had a sobering few months. A few of my recurring revenue clients ended their subscriptions almost at exactly the same moment as each other. I’d not landed a new client for some time and more worryingly, the cost for acquisition was rising and rising as leads needed more persuasion,…

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Confessions of a serial slashie

your multiple business skill set makes up your Personal Brand illustration of 4 women doing different things

How embracing my business personalities helps me help others define their Personal Brand If you’re a multi-skilled portfolio-careered slashie, you may be having trouble wrangling your many brilliant superpowers into one succinct by-line. This is where your Personal Brand is essential. As a Personal Brand Specialist/agency owner/web-developer/graphic designer/photo editor/ecommerce specialist/SEO consultant/copywriter/social media manager/teatowelist, I know…

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Can I be an introvert and have a Personal Brand?

Can an introvert have a personal brand

Is a Personal Brand social media, selling and yelling, power poses and influencers? No, non, όχι, 不, nein. Even if you’d rather wrestle a crocodile than show up on Tik Tok, creating your ‘Personal Brand’ is the perfect way to reach your audience. Do you feel that push and pull of being an introvert: you…

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Why have a Personal Brand?

why have a personal brand

The top 3 things a Personal Brand delivers: A brand is shorthand for the value and values you deliver. Read on to find out how growing your Personal Brand makes what you do, offer, deliver and sell memorable and distinct. Brand is an expectation. It’s the feeling evoked when we think of the products, solution,…

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