How does a Personal Brand support your Career?
Want to step into a new role within your company? Change career? Move forward, sideways, up or on?
It can be hard to pivot, especially when job well done comes with a reputation as the person that gets THAT THING done. The best way to shift those perceptions is advocating for yourself. Showcasing your values, talents, interests, passions, projects through a Personal Brand site means you control your narrative (your PR) to support the path you want your career to take.
A personal brand site not only distinguishes you from your peers, positioning you for that pivot or promotion, it also makes you easily searchable, beyond the jostling messages of LinkedIn and other social platforms. Actively creating a personal brand for yourself gives you a platform that is the most accurate account of you and forms an important part of any background search employers and project leaders are doing while they look for the best candidate.
To follow, 5 ways your Personal Brand site can support your career pathway

- ‘My vision is this:’ sharing your vision.
When you tell people where you want to be, your plans, dreams and intent, people naturally have a tendency to get behind and support you. Share your vision on your Personal Brand site and share your site on LinkedIn and socials. - Plot the course.
Identify where you want to be and outline the skillset and talents you have that will help you get there.
Identify your stop list – what are you doing now that isn’t aligned with the course you’re moving through?
And, identify where new skills are needed. (a great talking point for the suggestion #4 below)
Answer these questions on your site.- Where do you want to be?
- What projects best suit your talents and skills?
- Who do you want to work with?
- What do those projects look like?
- Are there voluntary roles in your community or beyond – board roles, mentoring, coaching (remotely if we’re still in lockdown when you’re reading this) that show these skills at work?
- Share your value
If you’re already doing voluntary / extra curricular work in the field you want to move to, include testimonials from the team you’re working with. Use these on your site and write case studies for more detailed information. - Extend your reach:
Reach out to people who are ahead of you. Use your Personal Brand site as a calling card to request chats and interviews with colleagues ahead in your lane, or leaders in your desired field. These conversations are a great way to network, learn and crystallise your vision for yourself. It’s also great content for your site, valuable for your company and for the people you’ve reached out to.
This feeds back into #1 above – share your vision and people will want to support you. - Sidestep burnout.
Through actively directing your career you are best placed to avoid the corrosive impact of being caught in a role or company that is not serving you. Burnout has impacts for your health, your income, your future. Take your career in hand with your Personal Brand.
Our Personal Brand website build = Brand New You supports you to find your voice, articulate your message, strategise the information needed for your site and focuses your audience and outreach.
Our 90-minute personal brand workshop digs deeper to get to what you want from a Personal Brand, and our ‘Made with you’ or ‘Made for you’ website build takes care of the hard work of website building, while you take care of building your brand.