Easy, effective, outstanding content creation

Make your content stand out online:
1. know your message
2. know your expertise
3. know your audience and their problems
4. know your strengths

If you’re anything like me, content creation is neither your super power nor your happy place. I’m never more in need of another cup of tea, or the house more in need of cleaning than when I’ve set myself the task of writing a blog post. We all know we need to do it, though… right?

Read on to find out WHY (oh! why?!?) we need to make content

And, some great tips on How to make it easy, efficient and relevant

What is ‘content’?

When I think of content, social media is the first thing that comes to mind. However, to consolidate your brand and reinforce what you deliver, think of content as EVERY point of contact that makes up your Brand fingerprint: every opportunity someone has, digitally, and personally, to connect with you.

‘Content’ is:

  • your answer to queries, phone calls, DMs, text messages
  • your website look, feel, words and user experience
  • your photography and imagery
  • blog posts
  • podcasts
  • guest spots / speaking events
  • social media profiles and posts

Your brand is YOU – create original content that clearly tells what you do:

It’s also all of the other communication points: client proposals, schedules of work, onboarding, invoicing, meetings, followups, delivery… Everywhere you are, is where your content is.

  1. EAT: your content establishes your Expertise, Authority and Trust:
    • Experts write good content, their websites state clearly what they do, they have great follow up and nurturing and their social media makes sense. Experts who share their knowledge, solutions, information generously grow their Authority and build Trust.
  2. Solutions tell stories (we’re hardwired to love a good story): show that what you do is the solution to problems and in that, improves lives. Problem is the tension, solution is the transformation and the happy ever after
  3. Stay visible, front of mind, easy to define and easy to refer. When your content is consistent, it’s easy for people to refer you: “you should talk with Stan, he was talking about that on LInked In recently. Check out his website, and look him up on socials”

What’s the purpose of each piece of content:

  1. Your website:
    • attract clients through clear messaging
    • gives proof of what you do and the solutions you deliver
    • gathers emails for nurturing, education and sales
    • move visitors into becoming customers
    • grow contacts for speaking, guest spots and referrals
  2. Socials:
    • short sharp easily digested, easily described, easily shared pieces
    • shows who you are and what are the skills, expertise and personality that makes you so perfectly you
    • show what is important to you
    • are a great place to connect with others in your world
    • move followers back to your website so they can become customers (and part of your nurture sequence)
  3. Other collateral and points of contact: sells your service, reassures and builds trust through consistency and visible cues, grows brand recognition

How can I create content easily?

If you want to create your own graphic content, the easiest way is to open a Canva account. I’ve been a die-hard adobe dependent for ever, and I still recommend Canva over all else. Set up your colours and typeface, use these consistently, with your messaging, your canva creations will be recognisably yours, even if you use templates.

The easiest way to beat Content creation procrastination is :

  1. Play to your strengths. Do what you love. Do you like to be interviewed? reach out to podcasters with a great pitch. Use pull quotes and audio from the interview after its published (with permission).
  2. Play to your strengths: Outsource what you don’t love. Don’t know a typeface from a tibouchina? Would you rather cook dog biscuits than create a Canva graphic? Outsource to fiverr, a VA, or contact me!
  3. Write what you know. You’re the expert. You know your clients’ problems, your solution and the transformation you deliver. It’s the age old narrative: problem solution, happy ever after (with your help)
  4. Create a calendar of content, including month theme, intention, content type and micro content
    • January : how to start the year right in your area of expertise (my tip: write blogs and create content!)
    • Intention for January:
      • grow my insta audience by 25 people
      • reach out to comments on social
      • Grow LI network by 100
    • Content type + conversion
      • blog post shared to LinkedIn, Insta, facebook and twitter through creator studio and manual uploads.
        • conversion = need some help with Content Creation? let’s talk
      • Canva how to
      • add internal links from pages and posts within my site, and message this on socials.
        • conversion = need some help with Content Creation? let’s talk
    • Micro Content:
      • quote graphics
      • instagram story for January
  5. Be YOU: consistently share what you know, the solutions and tranformations you deliver through case studies, testimonials and blog posts.
  6. Be kind to yourself. Creating content is a muscle. It takes time to develop ease and fitness. Understanding that everything is content helps you recognise the importance of consistency, and helps you fold it into your everyday.

Content is the cornerstone of your brand messaging. It’s how people know like and trust you. Like anything, content fitness gets easier as you build a consistent habit.


I can help even the most introverted build a Personal Brand.
If you want to build impact and grow a business, I’ll get you online and on your way

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