How do I write my UVP?

Be uniquely you and know your USP

A UVP is your Unique Value Proposition – what makes You uniquely Valuable.

Craft your UVP (your Unique Value Proposition), be uniquely you and be seen and heard by your audience – the people whose ears are open to your great Value and Values

Your UVP (unique value proposition) is the main piece of content you need to write for your site. Nail this, grow your confidence and use it as the building block for copy for the rest of your site, socials, speaking and podcast guest pitches – anywhere you are adding value and showing up.

Use this formula for a great single sentence UVP, then flesh it out for larger content areas on your website, LinkedIn profile, speaking and appearances pitches:

Who you help + How you help = the Perfect Solution to an urgent problem.

For example, my UVP is:

I help women on a mission with a message, overcome technical overwhelm, build a beautifully branded presence online, to reach their ideal audience and create a profitable business.

Jude Love

Build on your UVP by listing:

  1. Your values. These are your operating principles and what you are known for. These are the traits you look for in clients customers and colleagues, knowingly or tacitly.
    Testimonials and references are a great source for this as your values are what your clients, colleagues and customers experience, even when you don’t know you’re showing them. They’re what you show outwardly to people + their experience of you = how people describe the feeling the have of you.
  2. Your story – make it personal. While we don’t need the deep and intimate, including your highs and lows, the good and the bad, relating how you climbed the peaks and traversed the shallows puts flesh on the bones of your content AND gives a human face to your skills, business and products.
  3. Your goals – do you want to build an audience, support a cause, change the world, get speaker roles, eventually monetise a service you’re building?
    When we’re brave enough to say what we want to achieve, people are happy to get behind it.
    A personal brand states that you value what you want to say so much that even when life is busy and fraught, and there are many messages trying to get through you are standing up to say this is me, and this is my intention.
  4. Focus your UVP into your (roughly) 50-100 word home page opening paragraph.
  5. Flesh it out with your experience, education, skills and your promise for an about page that really connects

My About Page template will help you craft your UVP and build an About Page that converts


I can help even the most introverted build a Personal Brand.
If you want to build impact and grow a business, I’ll get you online and on your way

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